David Cotton

Sharing information I found helpful in my coming out journey of self discovery and acceptance. 🏳️‍🌈

I may offer opinions at times, but mostly want to provide resources I discovered.

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Journey To A Better Life

©️ 2023 David Cotton Coaching, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Who is this guy?

I am passionate in creating a safe space for others to explore and claim their humanity to live in joyful authenticity. I strive to be compassionate, guided by integrity and living authentically.

My life experience provides me unique perspectives. I'm a father, a brother, a son. In my career I am a retired US Air Force brigadier general, a former senior executive in the Department of Defense, a corporate vice president, a consultant, and a life coach.

Outside of the professional areas of my life I serve as an officer and on the board of directors for

the First Friday Breakfast Club charity providing scholarships to high school students advocating for equality and inclusion in their local communities. I am active in the ManKind Project where men gather in "peer-facilitated men's groups and supports men in leading lives of integrity, authenticity, and service."

I consider myself more spiritual than religious, guided by the Serenity Prayer.

Grant me the Serenity to

Accept the things I cannot change, the

Courage to change the things I can, and the

Wisdom to know the difference.

Health, fitness, and mindfulness integral to my daily existence. I enjoy working out, yoga, running, hiking, and cycling.

David Cotton

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Podcasts Where I Tell My Story and the Stories of Others

graying rainbows: coming out later in life lgbt+

To get to know more about me, you can listen to Episode 50 of the podcast, Graying Rainbows: Coming Out Later in Life LGBT+, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell.

the vulnerable man podcast

Christopher Veal’s podcast, The Vulnerable Man, Episode 56, sharing my story related to being a vulnerable man, where I see this as a strength and not a weakness.

now playing

David talks with Charles Vollmar who shares his journey of coming out later in life and the challenges he faced. After being outed by his wife, he left his possessions behind and started a new life in San Miguel, Mexico. He is rebuilding his career as a culinary teacher and started sharing his story on social media.


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Coming Out Stories

    • Spouse & Family Perspective

    • LGBTQ History & Perspective

    • Personal Development

    • Daring Greatly – Brené Brown
    • Rising Strong – Brené Brown
    • The ManKind Project - a passionate and purpose-driven brotherhood building and supporting the emotionally mature, accountable, and compassionate male role models that our communities so desperately need

    • Podcasts, Audio, & Video Stories

    • Groups & Organizations

National Coming Out Day

October 11, 2020

Dear Friends and Family:

On this day, National Coming Out Day, I stand in solidarity with others taking this bold and important step in their lives. For some this is their first time to publicly embrace who they are, for others a reaffirmation in support of those that may follow their example in the future. For me, it is the former.

During the past two years I have experienced the power of vulnerability and the love that may result, and some pain. Vulnerability requires honesty and integrity, two attributes of human character I hold in high esteem. I always felt I was in integrity with myself, when in fact for the majority of my life I was out of integrity, not being fully honest nor true with myself. I never acted to deceive. I eventually reached a point where I could no longer live with this disconnect in my character. Society, culture, my chosen profession, all the excuse for keeping the authentic me repressed.

In February of 2019 I finally admitted to myself I am a gay man. In the long run, for me to best serve myself and others I had to accept who I am and not how I thought society expected me to be. This did not come without consequences. However, I am continually surprised by the love and support that has also been the result. I no longer suffer from the depression that I also hid.

My journey is still at its beginning with each day being a new crossroads. The family I still deeply love remains strong and has a been described as all being from the same root ball, each growing in the direction it needs to blossom and flourish.

At my core I am the same man I have always been; I have the same love for my family in my many roles in life…father, brother, friend…now I no longer live with fear, doubt and pain. My vulnerability has already been an example for others to address challenges in their life. While not my intention, I’m honored if expressing my truth can be an inspiration to others working through issues in their lives.

I am not seeking validation nor praise. I am asking for your awareness of the differences and prejudices that still exist in our society and how we need to create an environment where everyone can be free to live without fear of ridicule or prejudice.

David Cotton


Journey To A Better Life

“Don’t let your wonder turn into closure.”

– Older, by Ben Platt
